University of Hull

University Colleges and Facilities
(Hull, Yorkshire, England)

The University of Hull is has four primary faculties and a number of university-mandated schools and institutions.

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

The Faculty of Applied Science and Technology offers degree programmes in math, science, computers, and engineering. The degree programmes under health and medicine are handled by the Hull York Medicine School.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is the largest faculty in the university. It offers over 30 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including American Studies, Archaeology, Drama, English, Film Studies, History, Language Studies, Music, Philosophy, Social Work, Theater and Performance, and Theology.

Faculty of Health and Social Care

The Faculty of Health and Social Care offers degree programmes in Applied Health Studies and Nursing.

Faculty of Science and Environment

The Faculty of Science and Environment offers 13 science courses including Advanced Lipid Research, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Organic Chemistry, Physical Sciences, and Physics.

Hull University

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